
DXB-VIP-Provides a Complete Suite of Services to Help You Establish and Grow Your Business in the UAE

Our Services

We are a one-stop shop for all your business needs in Dubai

We offer a comprehensive range of services, provided by experienced consultants with many years of expertise, to assist you in establishing and growing your business in Dubai. Our services include company formation, visa processing, business consulting, accounting and more.


Company formation

Whether a Freezone or a mainland company, in Dubai or other emirates in the UAE, our experts will incorporate the right type of company for you.


Residency visa issuance

Whether you own a company or an investor, in Dubai or elsewhere in the UAE, we know the best type of residence visa for you. Our team will help make this process a seamless one.


Opening a non-resident Bank account

If you want to take advantage of the UAE’s robust banking system, we are here for you with expert advice all the way until your account is open and active.


Opening a corporate bank account

Opening a corporate bank account is a complex task for businesses, but our experts will ensure a smooth process, so your company can start operating without delays.


Payment solutions

Whether you have a physical store or an online business, high or low risk, be it one-time or reoccurring payments, we will help you find the optimal payment solution tailored to your needs.


Bookkeeping services

We will take care of the bookkeeping and reporting so you can take care of your business.


Legal Services

Our local lawyers will help you navigate through the complexities of federal and local laws with sound, business oriented, legal advice.


Golden Visa

Obtain a UAE Golden Visa for long-term residency with a seamless application process.

How to start your business in Dubai


Starting a business in Dubai can be a complex process, and collaborating with our company offers several advantages:


Why us?


Expertise and local knowledge

Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of the local business landscape, legal requirements and practical nuances.

Tailored solutions

We understand that every business is unique, and our services are customized to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients.


Comprehensive support

Our services cover company registration, document processing, visa assistance, Bank account opening, bookkeeping and ongoing business consultancy.



Banks we work with


Freezones we work with


Payment solution we work with



FAQ about Our Services

What services do you provide for businesses in Dubai?

We offer a comprehensive range of services to help you establish and grow your business in Dubai. Our offerings include company formation, visa processing, business consulting, and accounting services.

Our experienced consultants are equipped to assist with all aspects of setting up a business in Dubai. From navigating the legal requirements for company formation to offering strategic business consulting, we guide you through every step to ensure your business setup is seamless and successful.

Yes, we provide visa processing services to help you and your employees obtain the necessary visas to work legally in Dubai. Our team ensures a smooth and efficient visa application process, handling all the paperwork and requirements on your behalf.

We offer a variety of business consulting services tailored to the specific needs of your business. Whether you need strategic advice to scale your business, financial management consulting, or insights on local market trends, our consultants are here to support your business goals.

Absolutely. Our accounting services are designed to keep your business finances in order, from bookkeeping to financial reporting and tax compliance. Our experienced accountants ensure that your financial operations are managed efficiently, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Our team consists of highly experienced consultants who have many years of expertise in the Dubai business landscape. We are a one-stop shop for all your business needs, offering personalized and comprehensive support to ensure your business thrives in Dubai.

The duration of the company formation process can vary depending on the type of company structure and the specific licensing requirements. However, with our expertise and streamlined procedures, we typically manage to complete the process within a few weeks, ensuring all legal and regulatory requirements are met efficiently.

Our visa processing service is distinguished by its personalized approach and meticulous attention to detail. We understand the nuances of Dubai’s visa regulations and work closely with clients to ensure a high success rate and timely processing. Our team also provides regular updates and guidance throughout the visa application process.

While maintaining client confidentiality, we can share that we have assisted numerous businesses across various sectors—ranging from startups to established multinational companies. Our consulting has helped improve their operational efficiencies, enhance strategic planning, and increase market penetration. Detailed case studies are available upon request to provide insights into our impact.

We have extensive experience across a wide range of industries, including technology, hospitality, retail, and healthcare. Our diverse expertise allows us to tailor our services to the unique challenges and opportunities of each sector, providing targeted support that addresses the specific needs of our clients.

Compliance is paramount in our service delivery. We stay up-to-date with the latest regulations and legal changes in Dubai. Our team conducts thorough compliance checks and audits for our clients, ensuring that your business adheres to all local laws and regulations, thus mitigating any legal risks.

For businesses aiming to scale regionally or globally, we offer strategic consulting that includes market analysis, entry strategy formulation, and partnership facilitation. We leverage our network and local expertise to support your expansion efforts, ensuring that your business is well-positioned for success in new markets.